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Two dead and one injured after violent crime

A bloody night-time crime in a small town in the Upper Palatinate. According to initial investigations, a man kills a 48-year-old woman and seriously injures another victim. Later, the suspected perpetrator is also found dead. The circumstances of the crime still raise many questions.

Forensics can be seen in the window of a house.
Forensics can be seen in the window of a house.

Upper Palatinate - Two dead and one injured after violent crime

A 48-year-old woman was killed and a 26-year-old man seriously injured in a violent crime in the Upper Palatinate on Thursday night. According to police, the suspected perpetrator was later found dead in a forest.

The 47-year-old man is said to have stabbed the woman and the 26-year-old man and fled. "We are currently assuming a relationship crime", said police spokeswoman Corinna Wild. The details still have to be determined by the criminal investigation department.

According to investigations so far, the suspect entered the woman's apartment in Parsberg (Neumarkt district) shortly before midnight on Wednesday evening. He then allegedly attacked the 48-year-old woman and the 26-year-old man. The motive was initially unclear. The police were informed immediately after the attack.

"As a result, several patrols and emergency services were at the scene within a very short time," reported the police spokeswoman. However, all help came too late for the woman, who died at the scene. The 26-year-old was taken to hospital.

Extensive search measures were initiated during the night. According to the "Mittelbayerische Zeitung" newspaper, which first reported on the crime, a helicopter circled over the town for around an hour at 1.00 a.m. because of the manhunt. The suspect's body was finally discovered near the scene of the crime. The dead man was found in a wooded area, explained Wild. A knife was also recovered from the man. It still had to be determined whether this was the murder weapon.

It was initially unclear whether the man had killed himself. This, too, is now to be clarified by the criminal investigation department. The exact relationship between the three people also still needs to be determined, said the police spokeswoman. The suspect was a Bulgarian national, as was the woman who was killed. According to the police, the seriously injured 26-year-old is Ethiopian.

Police statement

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