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Two-day warning strikes at the six university hospitals in NRW

Every day, the university hospitals in NRW treat thousands of patients. Following isolated actions, a two-day warning strike is now planned at all six university hospitals in NRW. This will not be without consequences. The wage dispute is about the salaries of state employees.

Employees take part in a warning
Employees take part in a warning

Two-day warning strikes at the six university hospitals in NRW

A two-day warning strike is to begin on Thursday at the six university hospitals in North Rhine-Westphalia. The trade union Verdi has called on employees to take part. The aim of the warning strikes is to increase the pressure on employers in the wage dispute in the public sector of the federal states. Verdi is expecting around 1500 strikers at the university hospitals in Aachen, Bonn, Düsseldorf, Essen, Cologne and Münster as well as at the Fröndenberg justice hospital, which is also affected by the warning strike.

There had already been warning strikes at university hospitals in the previous weeks, which led to restrictions. Emergency service agreements ensured that care for emergencies was guaranteed. Düsseldorf University Hospital also referred to an emergency service agreement in the run-up to the two-day warning strike. Patients would be informed should there be any postponements of scheduled treatments due to the strike. Münster University Hospital pointed out possible restrictions in outpatient and inpatient care.

The wage dispute in the public sector of the federal states is about thesalaries for around 1.1 million employees nationwide. According to the company, the agreements also apply to many employees in university hospitals. According to the union, 1.4 million civil servants, to whom the result is usually transferred, would also be affected. A third round of negotiations is planned for December 7. The unions are demanding an income increase of 10.5 percent for employees in the public sector of the federal states, but at least 500 euros more money for a collective agreement period of twelve months.

The university hospitals are large central hospitals with a wide range of outpatient and inpatient treatments. The union is planning a series of rallies and demonstrations during the two-day warning strikes. For example, a demonstration march to the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia is planned for Friday in Düsseldorf.

The ongoing wage dispute in the public sector of the federal states has led Tariffs for around 1.1 million employees to increase pressure on employers through warning strikes. These strikes, including one at the university hospitals in Federal states like North Rhine-Westphalia, can cause temporary disruptions in services, such as postponed treatments due to staff participation.




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