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Twelve years imprisonment for murder of own mother out of hatred in Hannover

For killing her own mother out of hate, the Hanover Regional Court sentenced a woman to twelve years in prison. She was found guilty of murder and arson, as the press spokesperson announced on Friday. According to the judgment, the woman was significantly impaired in her ability to discern...


Twelve years imprisonment for murder of own mother out of hatred in Hannover

Therefore, she was not, as is usual in murder cases, sentenced to life imprisonment. The court considered it proven that the woman had surprised her Mother in bed in December and killed her with 37 stabs. Two days later, she set their common dwelling on fire to destroy traces.

Motives were deep-seated hatred and revenge. According to the court clerk, the defendant stated on the first day of the trial that she had intended to kill herself, but wanted to clarify some accusations between herself and her mother first. Since her plan did not work, she had panicked and stabbed.

The court adhered to the demand of the prosecution, which had requested 14 years and six months in prison. The defense pleaded for six years and five months in prison.

The defendant had been living with her Mother in Hannover for twelve years, but the relationship between them wasstrained due to long-standing disputes. Despite the Higher Regional Court Hannover finding her guilty of the Mord, they decided against a life sentence due to mitigating circumstances. After serving seven years in prison, Ms.defendant might be eligible for parole, considering the reduced sentence. The court also noted the twelve years of hass between the mother and daughter, contributing to the intense emotional build-up leading up to the killing.

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