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Twelve-year-old injured in the ear by fireworks

The explosion of a firework injured the ear of a twelve-year-old boy in the Upper Bavarian town of Inzell (Traunstein district) on New Year's Eve. A man had lit a battery near the boy with several shots, a police spokesman said on Monday. Presumably due to a defect, there were then several...

The sign "Zugang Notaufnahme" hangs in front of a clinic building.
The sign "Zugang Notaufnahme" hangs in front of a clinic building.

Accident - Twelve-year-old injured in the ear by fireworks

The explosion of a firework injured the ear of a twelve-year-old boy in the Upper Bavarian town of Inzell (Traunstein district) on New Year's Eve. A man had lit a battery near the boy with several shots, a police spokesman said on Monday. Presumably due to a defect, there were then several ricochets, one of which exploded right next to the boy's head. The twelve-year-old had to be taken to hospital immediately and treated there. It was initially unclear whether the explosion had caused him any permanent damage.

The police are looking for the man who set off the fireworks and are investigating for negligent bodily harm.

Read also:

  1. The incident on New Year's Eve in Inzell, located in the Traunstein district of Upper Bavaria, highlighted the potential dangers of fireworks, leading to calls for stricter regulations during the turn of the year.
  2. Despite the ongoing investigation by the police in Germany, the man responsible for the accidental explosion of the firework that injured the twelve-year-old boy has yet to be identified or located.
  3. The accident served as a stark reminder to many in Germany that New Year's Eve celebrations, often including the use of fireworks, can carry significant risks, and the importance of safety measures is paramount.
  4. As news of the incident traveled across the country, concerned citizens in various districts, including Düsseldorf and Hamburg, began advocating for stricter regulations on fireworks sales and use, aiming to prevent similar accidents in the future.
  5. The turn of the year in Germany is marked by the traditional letting off of fireworks, and this year's event in Inzell has left residents in the District of Traunstein and beyond questioning the safety of such celebrations.


