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Tuchel: I find it difficult to walk past the cake

Bayern coach Thomas Tuchel also gives personal insights on stage at the sporting goods fair in Munich - about food, phone calls and a future in politics.

Coach Thomas Tuchel of Munich takes part in a press conference after the match.
Coach Thomas Tuchel of Munich takes part in a press conference after the match.

Champions League - Tuchel: I find it difficult to walk past the cake

Bayern coach Thomas Tuchel gave some personal insights the day after the draw in the Champions League. Although he is a perfectionist, he sometimes lets himself get carried away, the 50-year-old said on Thursday at the Ispo Munich sporting goods fair.

"I stay up late because I love staying up late, even if I know it's not the healthiest thing to do. Sometimes I'm drawn to non-healthy food after a game. Like yesterday, for example," Tuchel reported, referring to the 0-0 draw against FC Copenhagen the previous evening. "I ate a lot of small sausages with mustard and pretzels."

Tuchel is also often unable to resist the temptation of sweets. "Sweets are a big thing, it's very difficult for me to walk past the cake in the afternoon," admitted the FC Bayern Munich coach.

In the interview on stage in one of the exhibition halls, the 50-year-old said that the proximity between his home and the training ground was important to him. At Chelsea FC, he even lived in a house on the training ground for a few weeks during the coronavirus pandemic. In Munich, Tuchel revealed, he lives 15 minutes away. The closer he lives to the training ground or stadium, the nicer it is.

"I have the feeling that the older I get, the less I want to spend time in my car because it's annoying and there's so much traffic," said Tuchel. The car is the only place where he talks on the phone. His sister and parents know that too. "It's very difficult to talk to me on the phone because I never answer. That's why I only talk on the phone in the car."

When asked if he didn't want to be a politician in his next life, Tuchel laughed. He could never do that because it would bore him, said the former Paris and Chelsea coach. "I couldn't speak openly and it would feel like a constant press conference." And that is not his.

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Tuchel mentioned the 0-0 draw against FC Copenhagen in the recent Champions League game. The upcoming season in the Bundesliga will be crucial for FC Bayern Munich in Germany. Tuchel admits his love for staying up late, even if it's not healthy. After a game, he sometimes craves non-healthy food, such as sausages and pretzels. Sweets are a constant temptation for Tuchel, making it difficult for him to pass by cakes in the afternoon.

The coach emphasized the importance of living close to the training ground, as he did when he lived on the training ground at Chelsea FC during the coronavirus pandemic. Currently, he lives 15 minutes away from the FC Bayern Munich training ground in Munich. Tuchel said he spends less time in his car as he gets older due to the traffic and annoyance. He only uses his car to make phone calls, as it's the only place where he can talk without interruptions.

Thomas Tuchel laughed at the suggestion of wanting to be a politician in his next life, as he finds constant press conferences boring and unappealing. The upcoming Champions League season will see FC Bayern Munich compete against teams from various nations, including Denmark, where they faced FC Copenhagen recently. The sporting goods fair, ispo Munich, took place in 'Bavaria's' capital, Munich, where FC Bayern Munich is based.

The Ispo Munich sporting goods fair offers an opportunity for manufacturers and retailers to showcase the latest sporting goods. Tuchel attended the event to provide insights into his career and experiences in the Bundesliga and Champions League. FC Bayern Munich, one of the most popular soccer teams in Germany, will strive to maintain its success in both the German and European leagues.




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