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TU Supervisory Council maintains President's position.

What will happen to the President of Berlin's TU following claims of anti-Semitism - will she step down or be removed through voting by the Supervisory Board? The Board disagrees with previous assumptions.

The Supervisory Board of TU Berlin is holding on to University President Geraldine Rauch.
The Supervisory Board of TU Berlin is holding on to University President Geraldine Rauch.

Allegations of prejudice against Jews - TU Supervisory Council maintains President's position.

The board of governors at the Technical University of Berlin has chosen to back university president Geraldine Rauch amid accusations of antisemitism. According to reports, they will support her in a constructive and critical manner as she starts a new chapter. The university noted that while Rauch has caused significant damage to the institution due to her misconduct, she ought to be given the chance to effectively execute the program she has proposed to rebuild trust in TU Berlin and uphold its tradition as a globally welcoming, tolerant, and anti-racist university.

This implies that the university council is not considering a call for her resignation or a suggestion for her termination. However, the Central Council of Jews has condemned this decision. "The backing of the majority of the TU Berlin's board of trustees for Professor Rauch demonstrates a lack of responsibility and understanding of antisemitism," stated a spokesperson. This could result in an unexpected decline in the university's reputation. The spokesperson also expressed disappointment over the trivialization of support for Israel hatred and antisemitism. The Central Council had previously called for Rauch to face personal consequences.

Rauch has no bias against Jews

The board asserts that Rauch committed an error out of carelessness. Her remorsefulness persuaded the board members, according to the university. "The board is also certain that Mrs. Rauch does not have any anti-Semitic predispositions, empathizes with, or supports them. Having an opposing viewpoint toward the current actions of the Israeli government is legal and in no way anti-Semitic, regardless of whether someone agrees with this criticism or not."

Rauch is being criticized because she liked at least one anti-Semitic post on the X platform during the Gaza War. This involved a contribution displaying protesters with a photo of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu superimposed with a painted swastika. In the eyes of the director of the Anne Frank Education Center, Meron Mendel, this comparison belittles the Holocaust.

Rauch has apologized and admitted that she liked the post for its text without paying sufficient attention to the picture below. On Thursday, she announced she wished to stay in her position, despite a slim majority in the Academic Senate advocating for her resignation. At the Berlin Science Administration, Rauch requested a disciplinary hearing against herself to allow a neutral assessment of the allegations.

The supervisory board dismisses "partially aggressive accusations" against Rauch

The board dismissed the "partially aggressive accusations" against Rauch. At the same time, it decried Rauch's "scandalous misconduct," which led to a divisiveness within the university. It is now up to Rauch to reestablish harmony within TU Berlin and implement a program against racism and antisemitism. A progress report should be due within one year.

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