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TU President Rauch will not step down, despite calls for his resignation from some members.

In response to disputable Gaza war-related posts on X, Geraldine Rauch expressed support by hitting the Like button. Despite the backlash she received, she refuses to step down from her position.

TU President Geraldine Rauch wants to remain in office.
TU President Geraldine Rauch wants to remain in office.

Higher Education Institution Transformation - TU President Rauch will not step down, despite calls for his resignation from some members.

Professor Geraldine Rauch, the president of the Technical University of Berlin, won't be stepping down despite calls from the university's Academic Senate for her resignation. She addressed the issue on Thursday night, saying she received numerous messages urging her to remain in office.

Rauch is facing criticism after she "liked" a post on the platform X. The post contained photographs of protesters with an image of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, pantsuitred in a Nazi symbol. Rauch later expressed regret for her action, claiming she had focused on the post's text and not paid attention to the accompanying picture. The picture's creator expressed that the individuals featured were Turkish demonstrators demanding a truce in Gaza.

Uneven Stances within the Academic Senate

Reports suggest that 13 members of the Academic Senate were for her resignation, while the remaining 12 were against it. This vote, however, was non-binding. The Academic Senate has not filed a dismissal motion against Rauch. She revealed on Thursday that she had outlined strategies to work together on a shared future at the university. In addition, she mentioned that a legal assessment would result from the disciplinary proceedings she had initiated.

Unclear Future for Rauch

Although Rauch has expressed her intentions regarding her position as president of the Technical University, it is undecided whether she'll continue to hold this role. The Curatorium, the university's supervisory body, is set to convene for a special meeting on Monday to discuss the Rauch case. The possibility of a dismissal has been considered, but it would then have to return to the Academic Senate, which would have to issue a binding verdict on the matter. Ultimately, the Extended Academic Senate would make the final call regarding Rauch's future.

Defending Herself through Disciplinary Proceedings

Rauch intends to protect herself from the allegations by utilizing disciplinary proceedings. By doing so, she seeks to facilitate an objective clarification, and she once again expressed remorse for liking an antisemitic post on the Internet. She also unsubscribed from her social media accounts. Furthermore, the professor emphasized she would take decisive action to prevent antisemitism at the university.

Read also:

  1. Despite calls from some members of the German Senate for her resignation, TU President Geraldine Rauch, based in Berlin, has no plans to step down.
  2. Amidst controversy, Geraldine Rauch, the president of Berlin's Technical University (TU), has been faced with criticism for liking a post featuring an antisemitic image related to the Gaza war and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
  3. After the Gaza war-related controversy, universities in Germany, including TU Berlin, have emphasized their commitment to combating antisemitism and promoting diversity in their educational programs.
  4. During a meeting in Berlin, Geraldine Rauch discussed her strategy for working together with the Academic Senate towards a shared future at the Technical University, addressing the aftermath of the controversial post.
  5. Geraldine Rauch's future as TU Berlin's president remains uncertain, as the university's supervisory body, the Curatorium, will convene in Berlin for a special meeting to discuss the case and potentially issue a binding verdict.


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