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TU President faces renewed criticism and calls for resignation.

Geraldine Rauch, a contentious TU President, insists on continuing her tenure. This decision has faced widespread condemnation. The Federal Chancellor has responded accordingly.

Geraldine Rauch, President of the Technical University of Berlin.
Geraldine Rauch, President of the Technical University of Berlin.

Social media's approval ratings - TU President faces renewed criticism and calls for resignation.

Following accusations of antisemitism, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has dismissed Berlin TU President Geraldine Rauch from his advisory group. Scholz decided that the president of the Technical University (TU) would no longer be part of the so-called Future Council, confirmed Vice Government Spokeswoman Christiane Hoffmann on Friday. "In the eyes of the Federal Chancellor, the accusations against her are significant, and they have not yet been cleared up."

Rauch is under scrutiny due to her liking of at least one antisemitic post on the platform X in relation to the Gaza War. On Thursday, she announced her intention to remain in office, despite the majority of the TU's Academic Senate expressing support for her resignation. "I'm not quitting," the 41-year-old stated. She referred to the fact that the vote was not legally binding. The Academic Senate had not submitted a dismissal motion.

"Professor Rauch could have prevented more harm to TU Berlin, but she missed that opportunity," said a spokesperson for the Central Council of Jews. Calls for resignations were made by the International Auschwitz Committee and the Berlin CDU faction leader Dirk Stettner, who considered a resignation by Rauch in RBB-Inforadio essential.

The Central Council of Jews accuses Rauch of stalling

"At a time when anti-Semitic hatred is prevalent at German universities, Professor Rauch has shown with her liking of several antisemitic postings and subsequent behavior that she lacks the necessary understanding and sensitivity to recognize the seriousness of the situation," said the spokesperson for the Central Council. "She should have drawn the appropriate conclusions. Instead, she is procrastinating and attempting to legally absolve herself of wrongdoing, while Jewish students and professors fear attending universities."

The International Auschwitz Committee demands Rauch's resignation

In an open letter to Rauch, the Executive Vice President of the International Auschwitz Committee, Christoph Heubner, called for her resignation. "At a time when antisemitic hatred and right-wing extremist agitation are rampant to an unprecedented degree, your attitude is a catastrophe for you personally, for the university, and for our country, causing growing confusion and shock among Holocaust survivors."

Rauch liked a post with photos of protesters displaying a picture of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a swastika painted on it. She had already apologized for the like a week earlier and claimed that she had approved the post based on its text and had neglected the image below. The author of the tweet states that the demonstrators in the photos are Turkish protesters calling for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

An exceptional meeting of the TU's supervisory board, known as the Kuratorium, is scheduled for Monday. The council may opt to dismiss her with a two-thirds majority, or it could issue a statement or opinion instead.

The committee is in favor of dismissal, which would involve a further two steps. The case would need to return to the Academic Senate of the TU and receive a two-thirds majority vote, and then the Extended Academic Senate would need to make a decision on Rauch's future.

Rauch vows to work on her errors

"I will work on my mistakes," Rauch asserted on Thursday in a written statement. The day before, she expressed "deep remorse" to the Academic Senate. She admitted to causing hurt to many people and asked for forgiveness once more. She also voiced her commitment to intensifying the fight against antisemitism at the university. At the Berlin Science Administration, she petitioned for a disciplinary proceeding against herself to facilitate an objective examination of the allegations.

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