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Tschentscher looks confidently to elections in Hamburg

The SPD is currently at an all-time low in the national polls. The situation is different in Hamburg, where pollsters continue to see the Social Democrats as the strongest force. Hamburg's mayor is optimistic that it will stay that way.

Peter Tschentscher (SPD), First Mayor of Hamburg, gives an interview in the mayor's office in
Peter Tschentscher (SPD), First Mayor of Hamburg, gives an interview in the mayor's office in City Hall.

Parties - Tschentscher looks confidently to elections in Hamburg

Despite his SPD's current poor poll ratings at national level, Hamburg's mayor Peter Tschentscher is looking ahead to the upcoming elections in the Hanseatic city with confidence. In Hamburg, the SPD has significantly higher approval ratings than the other parties, he told the German Press Agency. "That sets us apart from the mood in the federal government. It was precisely in this constellation that we also achieved a good election result in 2020." The federal SPD's poll ratings were even lower at the time.

Next June, district assembly elections will be held in Hamburg at the same time as the European elections, followed by the municipal elections at the beginning of 2025. "In a district or state election, the focus is on the issues that need to be decided locally," said Tschentscher.

In November, the SPD was still far ahead in a survey in Hamburg with 31% support - ahead of the co-governing Greens (19%) and the CDU (18%) - despite significant losses compared to the 2020 parliamentary elections.

The mayor can well imagine a continuation of the red-green cooperation beyond the upcoming parliamentary elections. "The mood in the coalition is good. Contrary to what is sometimes assumed from the outside, we work together in a trusting and objective manner," he said.

This is due to the fact that there is a large overlap in political objectives. "As mayor, I make sure that we not only formulate goals, but also find pragmatic ways to achieve them." Voters had already approved this in 2020 with a two-thirds majority for red-green in the city council. "In this respect, I still see this model as positive. There are good reasons to continue this alliance."

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