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Trump at rally: 'End every single international crisis'

The US presidential candidate Donald Trump announced in his speech at the Republican Party convention that he would end wars and restore the reputation of the USA upon his return to the White House. He said, 'I will end every single international crisis caused by the current government,...

Trump at his party speech
Trump at his party speech

Trump at rally: 'End every single international crisis'

We will restore peace, stability, and harmony in the whole world, announced the 78-year-old - without explaining how he intended to do so. "Under our leadership, the United States will once again be respected. No nation will question our power, no enemy will doubt our strength, our borders will be absolutely secure", said Trump.

In his speech, in which he formally accepted his nomination as the Presidential candidate, Trump blamed the Biden administration for conflicts in the world. "We are experiencing an international crisis like the world has seldom seen", emphasized the ex-President. "War is looming in Europe, in the Middle East, a growing specter of conflict hovers over Taiwan, Korea, the Philippines, and all of Asia."

Trump also announced that he intended to build a missile defense system for the USA modeled after Israel's "Iron Dome". However, he overlooked the fact that the Israeli system is designed for the defense against rockets with short range and the protection of a relatively small territory.

  1. The Republicans, strong supporters of Trump, welcomed his remarks at the Party conference in Wisconsin.
  2. The US-President's rhetoric about Ukraine and Russia has become a major point of contention in international relations.
  3. Despite the tensions with Ukraine, the White House maintains its focus on domestic issues, such as the economy and social policies.
  4. Trump's red cap, a symbol of his grassroots supporters, was a prominent accessory at the Party conference in Milwaukee.
  5. If Trump becomes the US Presidential candidate again, his policy towards Ukraine and Russia could potentially lead the United States of America into a new crisis.
  6. The ex-President's criticisms of the Biden administration have raised concerns that the US may be retreating from its commitment to promoting peace and stability around the world.
  7. Some analysts argue that Trump's plan to build a missile defense system could escalate tensions with countries like Russia, rather than deter potential threats.

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