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True discoverer returns 2000 Euros

A woman takes out cash from an ATM before disappearing, while a young man later discovers the money and reports it to the police.

Banknotes with a value of 100 and 50 euros are lying on a table.
Banknotes with a value of 100 and 50 euros are lying on a table.

Financial Institutions - True discoverer returns 2000 Euros

A young man, 26 years old, stumbled upon a whopping sum of 2000 Euros left in an ATM in the downtown area of Landau. He immediately took the money to the police. Fret not! The money didn't come from committing a crime. In fact, it was a 33-year-old woman who tried to withdraw the cash on Monday, but mistakenly thought the process hadn't gone through. The police revealed this information on Wednesday, ensuring that the true owner of the cash was able to reclaim her money, thanks to the good Samaritan.

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