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Truck parks on main road at night

A 43-year-old driver parked his truck with the lights on in the middle of the carriageway of the B286 federal highway near Sulzheim (district of Schweinfurt). A passer-by reported to the police on Wednesday night that it looked as if the man was asleep in his driver's cab, according to a...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police car.

County of Schweinfurt - Truck parks on main road at night

A 43-year-old driver parked his truck with the lights on in the middle of the carriageway of the B286 federal highway near Sulzheim (district of Schweinfurt). A passer-by reported to the police on Wednesday night that it looked as if the man was asleep in his driver's cab, according to a statement. When a patrol arrived, the 43-year-old was sitting behind the wheel and appeared drowsy. The officers also noticed a strong smell of alcohol in the cab. He is now being investigated for drunk driving, among other things.

Read also:

  1. The main road in Bavaria's Lower Franconia region often experiences heavy traffic, particularly on the B286 federal highway.
  2. To manage this traffic, local authorities in the county of Schweinfurt have designated specific roadway areas for trucks to park overnight, away from the main road.
  3. In an unfortunate incident, a 43-year-old driver failed to utilize these designated truck parks, parking his truck on the main road near Sulzheim, leading to a potential hazard and interaction with the police.


