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Truck overturns: Baked goods lying on the highway

Drivers had to be patient on the A81. There were traffic jams - because sandwiches and sweet pastries were being cleared up.

A flashing blue light can be seen on the roof of a police vehicle.
A flashing blue light can be seen on the roof of a police vehicle.

Accidents - Truck overturns: Baked goods lying on the highway

A truck loaded with baked goods overturned on Autobahn 81. Bread, Berliners, and sweet snails were scattered on the road between the interchanges of Pleidelsheim and Mundelsheim (Ludwigsburg district) following the incident. According to police reports, the 41-year-old driver had apparently dozed off at the wheel on a Wednesday morning. He collided with a tourism signpost and several guardrails, causing the vehicle to overturn and lie on its side. The driver sustained minor injuries, and the damage amounted to approximately 25,000 Euro. A lane in the direction of Heilbronn was closed for several hours. A traffic jam of around ten kilometers formed as a result.

Press release

The accident involving the truck occurred in Baden-Württemberg, specifically near the interchanges of Pleidelsheim and Mundelsheim, which is part of the Ludwigsburg district. The accident resulted in traffic disruptions on Autobahn 81, causing a traffic jam that stretched for approximately ten kilometers towards Heilbronn. The overturned truck was carrying baked goods such as bread, Berliners, and sweet snails, which were spread across the freeway following the incident. Additionally, there have been multiple accidents reported on this section of the freeway in recent years, including the one in Steinheim.

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