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Truck driver seriously injured in accident

Lost control: A truck crashes on a bend. The driver had been taking medication.

The neon sign "Accident" on the roof of a police car.
The neon sign "Accident" on the roof of a police car.

Traffic - Truck driver seriously injured in accident

A truck driver lost control of his vehicle between Bernterode and Krombach in the Eichsfeld district of Northern Thüringen. The 59-year-old man veered off the road in a curve, reported the police on Saturday. The truck ended up in a road ditch, and the man sustained serious injuries.

According to the police, the driver admitted to having taken a medication. The truck driver's commercial license has been secured, and a report has been filed. The accident occurred on a Friday evening.

The accident in Northern Thuringia was located near Krombach, specifically between Bernterode and that town. Due to taking medication, the truck driver from Thuringia had an accident in northern traffic, resulting in his vehicle ending up in a road ditch. Subsequently, authorities in Krombach are investigating the incident further.

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