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Trial over abseiling action from bridge drags on

The trial over a sensational abseiling action by environmental activists from a highway bridge near Munich is dragging on at the Ebersberg district court. On Thursday, the court scheduled another hearing for December 20, according to a court spokesperson.

Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.
Justitia can be seen on a window at the entrance to the Higher Regional Court.

Local court Ebersberg - Trial over abseiling action from bridge drags on

The trial over a sensational abseiling action by environmental activists from a highway bridge near Munich is dragging on at the Ebersberg district court. On Thursday, the court scheduled another hearing for December 20, according to a court spokesperson.

The defendants and their defense attorneys had previously submitted 20 motions for evidence. Among other things, according to the court, they requested that a climate researcher be questioned to prove in court that the polar ice caps are melting as a result of climate change.

The trial against the four defendants, who are alleged to have been involved in an abseiling action from a bridge over the 94 freeway more than two years ago during the IAA motor show, began on Wednesday. Since the highway was closed, the Munich II public prosecutor's office is accusing the 21 to 29-year-old defendants of 192 counts of coercion.

According to the indictment, two of the accused are said to have abseiled down from the bridge near Poing to attach a large banner with the words "ÖPNV statt Autobahnausbau" ("Public transport instead of highway expansion") on it. The other two are said to have been responsible for securing the bridge. A short time later, the police closed the road towards Munich for around two and a half hours. They did not comply with the request to stop the action, the public prosecutor's office found.

There had already been a date for the main hearing on May 3. However, this had to be suspended for procedural reasons, according to the district court.

According to the court, it should also be clarified by December 20 whether a drone that was seen in the area of the highway bridge came from the police or from representatives of the press or private individuals. If the police took footage at the time, it should be available by the next trial date, the court ordered.

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