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Trial of accused members of the "Reichsbürger" extremist organization.

A violent coup is alleged to have been plotted by 18 individuals, with trials taking place in Frankfurt and Stuttgart. Prince Reuß is suspected of being the mastermind behind the scheme.

Police SEK officers escort the main defendant Heinrich XIII Prince Reuß (M) to a car after the end...
Police SEK officers escort the main defendant Heinrich XIII Prince Reuß (M) to a car after the end of the trial, in which he is taken to the prison.

The city of Frankfurt experiences a spike in reported hate crimes. - Trial of accused members of the "Reichsbürger" extremist organization.

A trial against an alleged "Reichsbürger" extremist group will carry on at Frankfurt Upper Regional Court tomorrow (9:30 am). Investigators are set to be cross-examined regarding Heinrich XIII. Prince Reuß, the Frankfurt entrepreneur and supposed organizer, who is behind bars. Meanwhile, investigations against the group continue, resulting in another arrest operation against purported affiliates in Baden-Württemberg, Saxony, and Schleswig-Holstein on Tuesday.

In Frankfurt, nine individuals stand accused of being involved with this terrorist organization or providing support to it. It is claimed that they schemed a coup by assembling weapons, and knew intentional deaths would occur. The prosecution asserts they had developed a government system with Reuß as the head of state.

The proceedings in Stuttgart will also advance on Wednesday, focusing on the purported military wing of the group. Trial proceedings against additional members of the said group will unfurl in Munich starting June 18th.

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