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Trial For Slain Landlord: Calls For Lengthy Custodial Terms

In the legal proceedings revolving around the death of a Bremen landlord, the prosecutor's office delivered their final remarks on a Friday. The case is scheduled to conclude this month.

A woman walks up the steps of the Bremen district court.
A woman walks up the steps of the Bremen district court.

During the court trial for the Bremen landlord's murder, the prosecution calls for the conviction of the three suspects on charges of joint manslaughter. Expect a 13-year and 9-month sentence for one defendant, a 41-year-old, and a 14-year and 6-month sentence for another, 41-year-old suspect. The third, 42-year-old suspect will likely face a 13-year and 5-month prison term.

The trial commenced in February 2023. At its inception, the prosecutor claimed these three Germans had committed premeditated murder for financial gain, reportedly killing and robbing the landlord in April 2020. Following the crime, both the victim's family and the police initially believed he was just a missing person. Despite the Lower Saxony region's investigation efforts, not all of the 46-year-old victim's remains have been discovered, as confirmed by the court spokesperson.

The proceedings are to continue on June 21; the defense is anticipated to argue on this date. The trial could potentially conclude with a verdict on June 24.

Read also:

  1. The public prosecutor's office in Bremen argues for three German defendants to receive prison sentences due to their involvement in the murder trial.
  2. The regional court in Bremen will review the pleas of the three suspects accused of premeditated murder, resulting in financial gain, leading to the landlord's death in April 2020.
  3. As part of the processes each suspect goes through in their respective trials, convictions for joint manslaughter may result in sentences ranging from 13 to 14 years and 6 months in prison.
  4. The murder trial, which began in February 2023, has seen investigations spanning across Germany, as several of the victim's remains have yet to be found, indicating an ongoing investigation by local authorities.
  5. The trial proceedings will continue on June 21, with the defense presenting arguments that may potentially influence the verdict set to be reached on June 24 at the Bremen regional court.

