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Trial for purported amok planning concludes

A woman allegedly accumulated a cache of arms and devised a plan for an assault. Were two officials narrowly spared from a vengeful attack? Or was it simply a violent imagination? A court will make the call.

A figure of the blind Justitia.
A figure of the blind Justitia.

Stuttgart Protracted Trial - Trial for purported amok planning concludes

The Stuttgart District Court will decide the fate of alleged arsonists targeting Fellbach and Waiblingen on Wednesday at 9:00 am. One of the suspects is accused of possessing weapons, firearms, gunpowder, harpoons, and knives at home. This person allegedly planned to enter the Fellbach town hall and the Waiblingen court with these items and a fake appointment. Her intentions, as claimed by the prosecution, were to kill people, set the buildings ablaze, and ultimately commit suicide due to feelings of humiliation. However, her mental condition may affect the verdict.

The female defendant stands accused of preparing a life-threatening action against the state. She has denied the allegations made against her in court, attributing them to violent fantasies. Details about the experts' opinions on her mental state and criminal responsibility have been kept under wraps, with the arguments from defense and prosecution set to be presented in court in the morning, excluding the public.

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