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Trial for murder starts: Did wife die in basement?

A deceased person is found in a household by its occupants, prompting a police call. Subsequent autopsy results suggest foul play. The husband, a prime suspect, is currently undergoing trial proceedings.

Eine Figur der blinden Justitia.
Eine Figur der blinden Justitia.

Doubrava Regional Court (alternate spelling: Zweibrücken) - Trial for murder starts: Did wife die in basement?

Half a year after a female corpse was found in the cellar of a multi-family house in Zweibrücken, the court trial for the husband started. The prosecutor accuses the 37-year-old defendant of murdering his wife in the basement of the shared building in early December. The motive was supposedly to punish the 33-year-old for an affair.

The defendant allegedly knocked his wife unconscious with several blows to the head and then killed her with multiple cuts and stab wounds to the face and neck.

The trial kicked off on Monday as planned, a justice spokesperson confirmed. Initially, the defendant delved into personal relationships. The court aimed to start the evidence phase in the afternoon. Afterward, the first witnesses were set to be heard. Later dates have been scheduled until mid-July.

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