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Trial for murder of student drags on

The trial for the murder of a 23-year-old student in Aschau im Chiemgau is dragging on. The Traunstein district court has scheduled four additional dates until February 8. Originally, the last date was scheduled for December 22, shortly before Christmas. The additional trial days are planned as...

A figure of the blind Justitia.
A figure of the blind Justitia.

Traunstein District Court - Trial for murder of student drags on

The trial for the murder of a 23-year-old student in Aschau im Chiemgau is dragging on. The Traunstein district court has scheduled four additional dates until February 8. Originally, the last date was scheduled for December 22, shortly before Christmas. A court spokeswoman explained on Wednesday that the additional trial days were planned as a precautionary measure for further motions for evidence and that further witnesses had been summoned.

Before Christmas, the trial will once again focus on the results of forensic medicine - and the question of whether the young woman's injuries could have been caused by an accidental fall into the river or whether she was killed.

A passer-by discovered the woman's body in the Prien River on the afternoon of October 3 last year. She had been partying in the "Eiskeller" club in Aschau in Chiemgau and set off home early in the morning - but she never made it home.

Six weeks after the crime, a young man was arrested. The now 21-year-old has been on trial for murder at Traunstein District Court since October. The public prosecutor's office accuses him of following the young woman on her way home from the "Eiskeller", assaulting her for sexual reasons, hitting her on the head and throwing her injured into the Bärbach, which flows into the Prien. The young woman is said to have drowned.

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