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Trial for fatal methadone drink against three defendants

Three men allegedly secretly mixed methadone into a 39-year-old man's drink and then stole from him. Their victim died. The defendants initially remained silent in court.

The three defendants (r) sit next to their lawyers in the courtroom before the start of the
The three defendants (r) sit next to their lawyers in the courtroom before the start of the trial.

Hamburg District Court - Trial for fatal methadone drink against three defendants

Since Tuesday, three men have been on trial at Hamburg District Court for joint murder and robbery resulting in death. On the night of April 14, they secretly administered methadone to a 39-year-old man out of greed, said the public prosecutor at the start of the trial. The aim had been to rob the victim. They are accused of causing the death of a person.

According to the public prosecutor, the men, aged 41, 38 and 26, initially drank alcohol and consumed cocaine together with the 39-year-old in the apartment of one of the accused on the evening of April 13. Without his knowledge, they then allegedly mixed methadone into his drink. The defendants had known that the man was defenceless, the prosecutor emphasized. According to the prosecution, he died of an overdose. The defendants - a Serb, a Syrian and a German - then allegedly stole his wristwatch and cash of an undetermined amount.

They are also accused of ordering goods in the 39-year-old's name. In the early morning of April 15, the three men also allegedly broke into his apartment and stole keys to his apartment and car, cell phones, business documents and a laptop. The accused fled with the items "to use them for themselves", said the public prosecutor.

There were no statements from the defendants on Tuesday: one of the men did not want to make a statement, another only at a later date and the third, if at all, also later and most likely in writing, as their defense lawyers explained. "That's a shame, then I could have called witnesses," said the presiding judge, Jessica Koerner, and ended the first day of the trial earlier than expected. The trial will continue on January 2 - the verdict could be handed down on March 5.

original PM

Read also:

  1. The public prosecutor's office in Hamburg is seeking a strict order of death for the three men accused of murder and robbery.
  2. The deadly robbery involved administering methadone to a vulnerable man, with the aim of stealing his possessions and money.
  3. The regional court in Hamburg heard how the men, aged 41, 38, and 26, consumed drugs together with the victim before secretly adding methadone to his drink.
  4. The public prosecutor argued that the men had prior knowledge of the victim's defencelessness and exploited this situation to commit their heinous act.
  5. The trial, which began on Tuesday and will continue in January, involves charges of robbery, murder, and ordering goods in the victim's name.
  6. In a separate case, a man was sentenced to prison for his role in a drug-related crime, highlighting Hamburg's ongoing struggle with criminality and substance abuse.


