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Trial for compelled sex work leads to life sentence for killing

Two individuals will face incarceration as a result of coercing a woman into sexual exploitation and ultimately inflicting her demise through cruel abuse.

Microphones and headphones on a table in a courtroom.
Microphones and headphones on a table in a courtroom.

Judgment Reached in Court - Trial for compelled sex work leads to life sentence for killing

Two people were sentenced to spend their lives behind bars by the Koblenz District Court for forcing a woman to become a prostitute and eventually taking her life. The court's spokeswoman revealed the news on a Tuesday. The defendants, a 40-year-old woman and a 48-year-old man—both from Bulgaria—were declared guilty of murder combined with extremely serious forced prostitution and deprivation of liberty which ended in death. The gravity of this crime has been acknowledged. The verdict is still subject to legal confirmation.

The legal battle revolves around a 40-year-old woman and a 48-year-old man who supposedly maltreated and caged the 31-year-old woman they resided with from April to November 2023. The woman was advertized as a prostitute on Internet platforms and compelled into having sex with others through intimidation and humiliation.

Rescue responders stumbled across the 31-year-old Bulgarian woman lying unconscious in a Koblenz apartment around 3 a.m. on November 22, 2023. She succumbed to her injuries about a short while later in the hospital.

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