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Trial for arson attack on Ulm synagogue begins

More than two years after the arson attack on the synagogue in Ulm, the trial of a 47-year-old man is due to begin on Thursday (8.30 a.m.) at the regional court of the city in Baden-Württemberg. The accused Turk is charged with attempted aggravated arson, among other things.

Police investigators collect evidence at the synagogue in Ulm.
Police investigators collect evidence at the synagogue in Ulm.

Extremism - Trial for arson attack on Ulm synagogue begins

More than two years after the arson attack on the synagogue in Ulm, the trial of a 47-year-old man is due to begin on Thursday (8.30 a.m.) at the regional court of the city in Baden-Württemberg. The accused Turk is charged with, among other things, attempted aggravated arson.

According to the Stuttgart public prosecutor's office, the man allegedly spread petrol along a wall of the synagogue in June 2021 and set fire to it for suspected anti-Semitic motives. There were no people in the building at the time of the crime. The act left scorch marks on the façade and soot stained a window.

After the crime, the man fled to Turkey and, according to the public prosecutor's office, he was arrested at the beginning of July when he re-entered Germany. Politicians had condemned the attack and announced better protection for Jewish institutions.

The trial for the arson attack on the synagogue has been scheduled for four dates and a verdict could be reached at the end of January.

Statement from the public prosecutor's office

Read also:

  1. This incident triggered a strong response from the local Jewish community, raising concerns about the growing instances of anti-Semitic extremism in Baden-Württemberg.
  2. The arson attack on the Ulm synagogue was a stark reminder of the need for increased protection and understanding of Judaism in public spaces.
  3. The public prosecutor's office in Baden-Württemberg emphasized that the investigation and trial pressure them to diligently scrutinize every aspect of the criminal processes related to extremism and religious intolerance in the region.
  4. Despite the critical state of affairs affecting synagogues and Jewish institutions, the Ulm community remained steadfast in their dedication to preserving their religious traditions and promoting interfaith harmony in Baden-Württemberg.


