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Trial due to possible vaccine damage: Date February 20

The regional court in Frankenthal has set a date of February 20, 2024 (9.00 a.m.) for the announcement of a verdict in a lawsuit alleging damage to health caused by a coronavirus vaccination. "A verdict could then be announced, possibly also an order to take evidence or, for example, an order...

A microphone in a courtroom.
A microphone in a courtroom.

Frankenthal Regional Court - Trial due to possible vaccine damage: Date February 20

The regional court in Frankenthal has set a date of February 20, 2024 (9.00 a.m.) for the announcement of a verdict in a lawsuit alleging damage to health caused by a coronavirus vaccination. "A verdict could then be announced, possibly also an order to take evidence or, for example, an order to provide information or impose conditions," said a court spokeswoman in the Palatinate city on Tuesday.

According to the court, a woman from Rhineland-Palatinate based her lawsuit against the Mainz-based vaccine manufacturer Biontech on the fact that a second vaccination led to a bilateral pulmonary artery embolism - i.e. a blockage of blood vessels in the lungs. Since the cause could not be determined, the woman attributed it to the vaccination. The plaintiff is claiming damages and compensation for pain and suffering. Biontech considers the claim to be unfounded.

The hearing took place in public on Tuesday. The application for exclusion of the public on the part of the plaintiff was not upheld, it was said. A settlement was not reached.

This is not the first lawsuit of this kind in Germany; several lawsuits have already been dismissed due to alleged vaccination damage.


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