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Trial begins after murder around 20 years ago

The case shocked many people in Thuringia: A woman is killed by several shots in her car near Apolda. Her husband at the time and three other men are now on trial.

Microphones and headphones on a table in a courtroom.
Microphones and headphones on a table in a courtroom.

Processes - Trial begins after murder around 20 years ago

Following a murder almost 20 years ago, the trial against four men is due to begin on Monday (3 p.m.) at Erfurt District Court. The public prosecutor's office is accusing three of them of joint murder for greed. The fourth man is said to have instigated the murder of his then wife in order to avert economic disadvantages for himself that threatened him in ongoing divorce proceedings.

The case dates back to January 16, 2004, when three men allegedly ambushed a 35-year-old woman in Schöten near Apolda and killed her. One is said to have fired the shots, another to have secured the crime scene and the third to have driven the getaway car.

The investigation into the case was reopened following information provided by a prison inmate.

Read also:

  1. The public prosecutor's office in Apolda has been closely involved in the processes surrounding the reopened investigation of the 2004 murder.
  2. The three men on trial in Erfurt are not the only individuals associated with this case, as a woman who worked closely with one of the accused has also been questioned by the authorities.
  3. While driving through Thuringia, a car carrying one of the suspects was stopped by police, leading to further evidence being gathered.
  4. The wife of the man accused of instigating the murder was a successful businesswoman in Erfurt, and her sudden death had a significant impact on local criminality and public sentiment.
  5. Following the trial, the public prosecutor's office in Erfurt will issue a final verdict, which could potentially see the four men facing harsh penalties for their involvement in the 2004 murder.


