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Trial against Trier driver of amok must be largely reopened

The murder verdict against the man who drove a car amok in Trier has been largely overturned. The regional court in the Rhineland-Palatinate city had made legal errors, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) announced in Karlsruhe on Monday. In August 2022, the then 52-year-old defendant Bernd W....

Candles and flowers in memory of the
Candles and flowers in memory of the

Trial against Trier driver of amok must be largely reopened

The court also found that he was particularly guilty and ordered W. to be placed in a psychiatric ward. It considered it proven that he had indiscriminately run over passers-by in Trier city center on 1 December 2020. He had intended to kill or injure many people. Five people were killed directly in the attack in the pedestrian zone, another victim died around eleven months later as a result.

The BGH did not object to the court's reconstruction of the course of events. However, the regional court had made errors in assessing the defendant's culpability. According to a psychiatric report, W. suffers from a delusional disorder and paranoid schizophrenia.

The judges in Trier assumed that his culpability was significantly reduced by the illness, but not eliminated. The regional court must now deal with the case again.

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