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Trial against BND employee for alleged Russian espionage begins

The trial for espionage allegedly paid for by Russia at the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) began at the Berlin Court of Appeal on Wednesday. The federal prosecution accuses the defendants Carsten L. and Arthur E. of two counts of aggravated treason. The BND employee L. and the self-employed...

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Trial against BND employee for alleged Russian espionage begins

L. is said to have provided the Russian domestic intelligence service FSB with several documents from the BND's inventory relating to a project for technical information gathering. E. is said to have photographed the documents and taken the data to Moscow, where he is said to have passed them on to the FSB. They are also alleged to have transmitted information to Moscow in another case.

The defendants allegedly received several hundred thousand euros each for their services. L. was arrested in December 2022, E. in January. Both are in custody. If convicted of treason in a particularly serious case, they could face life imprisonment.

The Berlin Court of Appeal scheduled 51 trial days until July. The trial began late on Wednesday due to the large crowd.

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