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Trees uprooted: Chemnitz urges caution in parks

The city of Chemnitz is warning people to take extra care when visiting the city's parks. Strong winds in combination with wet ground have caused a number of trees to be uprooted and toppled over. Some paths are currently impassable, the city administration announced on Friday. Due to the...

Storm - Trees uprooted: Chemnitz urges caution in parks

The city of Chemnitz is warning people to take extra care when visiting the city's parks. Strong winds in combination with wet ground have caused a number of trees to be uprooted and toppled over. Some paths are currently impassable, the city administration announced on Friday. Due to the holidays, it will take some time to repair the damage.

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The forthcoming weekend in Chemnitz, Saxony, might face challenging weather conditions, with warnings of bad weather predicted. Several municipalities in the region have issued cautions, urging residents to stay vigilant and avoid unnecessary outdoor activities. Analyzing historical data, meteorologists have found that past instances of uprooted trees in Chemnitz's parks have occurred during such weather patterns.


