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Transport Minister warns against cuts in rail transport

Brandenburg's Transport Minister Rainer Genilke (CDU) has warned the federal government against cutting regionalization funds for local rail transport. "Saving money in this area would of course immediately mean - and this applies to all federal states in Germany - thinking about which trains...

Railroad - Transport Minister warns against cuts in rail transport

Brandenburg's Transport Minister Rainer Genilke (CDU) has warned the federal government against cutting regionalization funds for local rail transport. "Saving money in this area would of course immediately mean - and this applies to all federal states in Germany - thinking about which trains will no longer run where in the future," Genilke told RBB's Inforadio on Saturday. The minister warned that it was completely unacceptable to discuss getting less traffic on the railways. "And we will fight against it."

As the Deutsche Presse-Agentur learned from circles within the Federal Ministry of Finance, regionalization funds are to be cut by 350 million euros as part of the 2024 federal budget. These funds are primarily used by the federal states for local rail passenger transport.

In addition, the further financing of the Deutschlandticket has not yet been clarified, criticized Genilke. 350 million euros is exactly the amount that is still available this year because the ticket was only introduced in May. "And we wanted - and this was actually the agreement - to spend the 350 million from the federal government and the 350 million from the federal states in '24 in order to keep the Deutschlandticket affordable and continue it." The federal government is now calling this into question with its savings plans, criticized the minister.

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