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Transport Minister sees mobility offensive on the right track

Whether local public transport, cycle paths or road construction - for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Minister of Economics and Transport, Meyer, the mobility offensive is showing its first results.

Reinhard Meyer (SPD), Economics Minister of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, informs about the results
Reinhard Meyer (SPD), Economics Minister of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, informs about the results after a cabinet meeting.

Transport policy - Transport Minister sees mobility offensive on the right track

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's Minister of Economics and Transport Reinhard Meyer believes that the mobility offensive in the state is on the right track. "Local public transport services must become more attractive. We are on the right track," said the SPD politician on Friday. The mobility offensive already offers many improvements for citizens. "And we are also in the process of prioritizing road construction in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, maintaining roads, building new ones where necessary and investing in roadside cycle paths."

Among other things, the state will introduce regional bus routes and a state-wide dial-a-bus system with uniform quality standards. According to the information provided, the planned regional bus routes will run every hour or every two hours, regardless of school and vacation times. In the coming year, there will be new services between Sanitz and Greifswald via Marlow, Tribsees and Grimmen as well as between the Königsstuhl and Klein Zicker via Sassnitz and Binz.

The state is funding these regional bus routes with around 3.1 million euros in 2024. The development and operation of the on-call bus system will be supported with around 13.5 million euros. In addition to the regional bus system, the on-call bus system is intended to cover the so-called last mile. The on-call buses connect the municipalities with higher-level rail and bus routes in the region. A journey must be booked in advance by telephone or online.

"We want to prioritize maintaining the roads in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, build new ones where necessary and at the same time invest in roadside cycle paths," said Meyer. In times of limited budget funds and the increasing age of the existing infrastructure, priority must be given to maintaining existing roads and bridges.

According to the figures, around 83 million euros have been invested in the maintenance of state and federal roads in the current year. Around 23 million euros were spent on cycle paths on state and federal roads. A total of 102 road sections with a total length of 165 kilometers are planned by 2027. The continued construction of the Wolgast bypass, the largest new construction project on federal roads, cost a good 10 million euros this year, while the construction of the Elmenhorst bypass on state roads cost just under 6 million euros.

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