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Transmission system operators want to set fees for 2024

The transmission system operators want to set the electricity grid fees for 2024 this week. The four operators Amprion, Tennet, Transnet and 50Hertz are expected to report the final fees to the Federal Network Agency on Wednesday, as the AFP news agency learned from the companies. Due to the...

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Transmission system operators want to set fees for 2024

At the beginning of October, the transmission system operators published provisional grid fees for January onwards, taking into account the federal subsidy. The operators said that they could no longer wait to publish the final rates.

The 5.5 billion electricity subsidy was to come from the Economic Stabilization Fund (WSF), which the Federal Government had to dissolve in the course of the crisis due to the budget ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court. A solution as to how the subsidy could be financed as an alternative has not yet been found. It was initially unclear whether the budget agreement reached by the coalition leaders on Wednesday night also contains a solution for the electricity subsidy.

According to calculations by the comparison portal Verivox, electricity grid fees for households will rise by "at least eleven percent" in 2024. For a typical household with a consumption of 4,000 kilowatt hours, this would lead to additional costs of just under 50 euros. "If the distribution grid operators have to increase the electricity grid fees even further due to higher transmission grid fees, the additional costs will rise by at least 100 euros," explained Verivox.

Read also:

  1. The Federal Government is currently seeking alternatives to finance the 5.5 billion electricity subsidy, which was initially planned to come from the Economic Stabilization Fund, as the fund had to be dissolved due to a court ruling.
  2. The transmission system operators want to determine the final grid fees for 2024, and the anticipated increase could result in additional costs of at least 100 euros for a typical household with a consumption of 4,000 kilowatt hours, according to calculations by Verivox.
  3. The Federal Network Agency will ultimately be responsible for approving the charges set by the transmission system operators for the transmission system in 2024.
  4. The coalition leaders agreed on a budget arrangement on Wednesday night, but it remains unclear whether this agreement addresses the issue of financing the electricity subsidy for 2024.
  5. The aim of the transmission system operators in setting fees for 2024 is to cover their operational costs and secure the dependable and reliable operation of the transmission system, as stated by the AFP.


