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Transforming the balcony into a comfy summer haven

Furniture, greenery, and other items available.


Transforming the balcony into a comfy summer haven

As summer creeps closer or is already here, it's the perfect time to focus on transforming your patio and balcony into a personal oasis. Here are some helpful tips to turn your small outdoor space into a charming getaway.

During spring and summer, an additional room is added to your house - the balcony. If you love spending time at home during warmer months, consider making your tiny outdoor area comfortable and inviting for relaxation. The options are endless - from furniture to plants and decorative items.

  1. The right furniture and privacy screens

To create a cozy atmosphere, you need comfortable outdoor seating. Go for waterproof furniture made of materials such as aluminum, steel, or rattan. Ensure you also have cuddly cushions, pillows, or blankets that can be easily stored when it rains. You can also opt for a hammock, deckchairs, or a pouf. Additionally, outdoor rugs add a more homely feel; just make sure they are weatherproof. For added privacy and protection from the sun and curious onlookers, a parasol or awning works well. Alternatively, large plants like bamboo, ivy, wild vine, or Chinese reed can provide cover.

  1. Balcony oasis: plants that will thrive

Green or colorful plants are essential on any balcony. The direction of the compass influences what plants will grow best. For sunny south-facing balconies, pick flowers like daisies, petunias, or geraniums, or plant Mediterranean herbs such as thyme, lavender, or rosemary. These herbs are not only pleasing to the eye but also attract beneficial insects. For vegetables, tomatoes, citrus trees, and strawberries are perfect choices for sunny spots. If you have enough space, a raised bed is an ideal option. For shady north-facing balconies, begonias, fuchsias, or hydrangeas are ideal.

  1. The perfect lighting for your balcony

The right lighting is crucial for creating a comfortable atmosphere, especially as the evening approaches. Consider installing recessed lights or wallwashers, if you want more of a permanent solution. Portable outdoor lights are practical, while candles, lanterns, and fairy lights add a touch of romantic magic. Solar-powered lights are another fantastic option, as they recharge during the day before lighting up at night.

Bring your cozy balcony to life this summer! With the right furniture, plants, and lighting, your outdoor space will be a relaxing and inviting haven.

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