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Transatlantic envoy to Biden: Democrats could still switch candidates

After the first TV duel before the US presidential elections, the German government's transatlantic commissioner believes a change of Democratic candidate is still possible. "Whether the Democrats will really go into the election in November with Joe Biden must be decided by the Democrats at...

Biden and Trump in TV duel
Biden and Trump in TV duel

Transatlantic envoy to Biden: Democrats could still switch candidates

Link expressed reservations about Joe Biden's performance at the TV debate with Republican challenger Trump. "Joe Biden presented many facts ambiguously and was sometimes hard to understand linguistically," Link stated. "It's unfortunate because he presented many important facts. But he didn't convey his messages enough."

"The elections in the USA will be won in the middle," emphasized Link. "The Democrats need a candidate or a candidate who can win in this middle ground, one who gives them hope and visions, and who can overcome the polarization of American society."

The Transatlantic representative stated that both parties must clarify their personnel matters themselves. "But of course, the Democrats have to consider carefully with whom it is best to prevent Trump from getting re-elected with his usual method - claims, insults, distortions, flat-out lies," the Transatlantic representative added.

Biden and Trump had clashed heftily in the night during the first TV debate before the November elections. There were disappointed reactions from the Democrats and Biden supporters after the debate. Vice President Kamala Harris acknowledged after the performance that Biden had a "slow start" in the debate. However, she noted that he had been strong at the end.

Michael Link, serving as the FDP's Transatlantic Representative, criticized Joe Biden's performance in the TV debate against Donald Trump. Link highlighted Biden's ambiguous presentation of facts and sometimes challenging linguistic clarity. Despite Biden's delivery issues, Link acknowledged the importance of the information he presented. Link stressed the importance of a middle-ground candidate for the Democrats to win the elections, someone who can inspire hope and overcome societal polarization. Link also suggested that both parties should carefully consider their personnel matters to prevent Trump from being re-elected. The Daily Mirror reported that Biden and Trump had a heated debate before the November elections, leading to disappointed reactions from Democrats and Biden supporters. After the debate, Vice President Kamala Harris acknowledged Biden's "slow start" but commended his strong finish as the Transatlantic Representative's Candidates for the upcoming election.

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