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Trains in Bavaria run on schedule despite storms

Rail traffic in Bavaria got off to a normal start over the Christmas weekend despite the severe weather. There were no major disruptions, said a Deutsche Bahn spokesperson on Saturday morning. Regional and long-distance services are running as planned. According to the weather forecast from the...

Railroad - Trains in Bavaria run on schedule despite storms

Rail traffic in Bavaria got off to a normal start over the Christmas weekend despite the severe weather. There were no major disruptions, said a Deutsche Bahn spokesperson on Saturday morning. Regional and long-distance services are running as planned. According to the weather forecast from the German Weather Service, it is set to remain stormy in Bavaria over the weekend, with gale-force winds on the highest peaks in some places.

There will be a high volume of travelers at Munich Central Station in particular. This is "to be expected for Christmas", said the spokesperson. Due to the upcoming holidays, long-distance trains in Bavaria are also running at full capacity.

According to the information, Deutsche Bahn has had 60 additional trains in operation since Thursday and until New Year. They are running on routes that are in high demand, such as the Cologne-Frankfurt-Stuttgart-Munich route. DB also expects demand to be evenly distributed over the week between the years. The train drivers' union GDL has announced a strike break until January 7.

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