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Train services between Hanover and Bremerhaven restricted

According to Deutsche Bahn, there will be restrictions on the Hanover-Bremerhaven and Hanover-Norddeich (Aurich district) train routes. The reason is a repair to an overhead line in the Hanover region. There will be partial cancellations and delays in both directions. Replacement bus services...

Tracks are laid in the ballast bed at a station.
Tracks are laid in the ballast bed at a station.

Long-distance traffic - Train services between Hanover and Bremerhaven restricted

According to Deutsche Bahn, there will be restrictions on the Hanover-Bremerhaven and Hanover-Norddeich (Aurich district) train routes. The reason is a repair to an overhead line in the Hanover region. There will be partial cancellations and delays in both directions. Replacement bus services have been arranged. The work is ongoing, as a spokeswoman for the railroad said in the afternoon. The spokesperson did not give an estimate for the end of the restrictions.

DB traffic news

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