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Train cancelations in NRW reach an unprecedented peak.

Train service interruptions and delays remain common for passengers in North Rhine-Westphalia, according to a recent report. Despite acknowledged issues, the firms stress that improvement will take time.

Rail passengers crowd the entrance to a regional train at Deutz station.
Rail passengers crowd the entrance to a regional train at Deutz station.

Train transport operations - Train cancelations in NRW reach an unprecedented peak.

The dependability of local trains and commuter services in North Rhine-Westphalia hit a new rock bottom in the last year. As per the quality report on rail transport in NRW, one in every seven trains utterly disintegrated and did not operate. This figure was substantially higher than the year before. Particularly, spur-of-the-moment train cancellations occurred more frequently than ever, such as when staffing issues arose. However, punctuality continues to be a prevalent issue: About 22% of the working trains arrived notably late at the destination.

The quality report is published yearly by the Competence Center for Integrated Timetable Planning NRW, which combines the state authorities and transport associations. The "Rheinische Post" initially covered news on the report.

"There is plenty of room for improvement when it comes to punctuality and reliability," stressed Joachim Künzel, managing director of the leading association for public transport in Westphalia-Lippe. Though there are promising initiatives to recruit fresh applicants for the thousands of empty locomotive driver jobs or to modernize the crumbling infrastructure, it will "take a while before improvements can be achieved comprehensively and sustainably," said Künzel.

The number of spontaneous train cancellations is a headache for the industry. Around 14% of all planned train voyages went awry last year, significantly more than in 2022, which had already been high. The bulk of these train cancellations was scheduled and communicated to travelers in advance - for instance, due to building work blocking tracks.

Emergency train cancellations are most irritating for travelers: And 6% of all train excursions were canceled at the last minute. The primary cause was a paucity of employees. There's still a sizable shortfall of workers in the industry, particularly drivers, but also in dispatching and in workshops.

"Sick leaves can no longer be filled, and damaged trains can often only be mended with a delay. Consequently: Train cancellations and delays on various lines; the regular timetable is no longer functional, rail travel is getting less reliable," the report expresses.

However, the railway companies' arduous recruitment endeavors are beginning to bear fruit: Today, all training posts can be filled with competent applicants. Furthermore, more and more job-switchers are being recruited to join the ranks of locomotive drivers. Most recently, the state government provided €6 million more for measures to combat the scarcity of skilled workers in the railway sector.

Punctuality remains subpar

Another issue is the punctuality of trains - this has "stabilized at a rather low level," it was declared. 78.1% of trains reached their destination with a delay of up to four minutes - this was a minimal uptick since 2022.

However, there was a problem with regional express trains: Since they often pass through multiple clogged interchanges in metropolitan areas, only 72.0% of RE trains arrived promptly at their destination.

Terminal improvements can be anticipated in this component only when, within a few years, substantial construction work on the dilapidated railway network in North Rhine-Westphalia is accomplished. However, till that occurs, the abundance of construction sites will actively disadvantage the integrity of the trains, the report indicates.

The railway traffic in NRW services more than 775 stations across 101 routes. The largest competitor in the regional railway traffic in NRW remains the German Railways with a market share of 52.0%, followed by National Express (17.1%), Eurobahn (13.5%), and Transdev (7.6%).

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