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Tragic collision: vehicle strikes child riding a bicycle

A young boy, aged 11, is cycling in the Hohenlohe district when a vehicle collides with him, resulting in a fatal incident.

The 60-year-old individual involved in the collision emerged unscathed.
The 60-year-old individual involved in the collision emerged unscathed.

- Tragic collision: vehicle strikes child riding a bicycle

A young, eleven-year-old cyclist met his unfortunate end in the Hohenlohe district, getting run over by a vehicle in Forchtenberg. The tragic incident unfolded on a Saturday, with the young lad losing his life instantly at the spot. Luckily, the motorist responsible was unscathed. When inquired about the reason behind the accident, the police representative remained tight-lipped.

The young cyclist had been riding his bicycle in the Hohenlohe district before the unfortunate incident. Despite the Cyclist's tragic death, the motorist managing to avoid any damage to their vehicle.

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