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Traffic restrictions due to work on A1 in the north

At the Nordelb Bridge on A1, the main inspection is taking place. This affects car, truck, and motorcycle drivers. But it's not the only construction site on the autobahn.

Working on Autobahn 1 will result in traffic restrictions in the coming weeks (archive image)
Working on Autobahn 1 will result in traffic restrictions in the coming weeks (archive image)

Infrastructure - Traffic restrictions due to work on A1 in the north

Travelers in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein will have to deal with traffic restrictions on Autobahn 1 in the coming weeks. The reason for this is construction work on the Norderelbbridge and the road between Bad Schwartau and Lübeck, as announced by the Federal Autobahn GmbH.

Starting Tuesday, the concrete plates between the Bad Schwartau exit and Lübeck-City will be repaired for approximately four weeks. During this time, traffic will be routed nightly from 20.00 to 6.00 hours in a single lane at the construction site. All lanes will be available during the day.

Simultaneously, the main inspection of the Norderelbbridge began this evening. This will cause traffic restrictions on Autobahn 1 between Norderelbe and Hamburg-Moorfleet. The disruptions are expected to last until August 9, 5.00 am, according to the Autobahn GmbH. Only this coming weekend will all lanes be available for the holiday traffic.

Impact of the work on the Norderelbbridge

During the construction period, two lanes of the Autobahn will be closed each night. Motorists will have only a remaining lane width of 3.50 meters available to them. During the day, inspections of the pylons - certain bridge components - take place. The second overtaking lane will be closed from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm for these inspections. In case of bad weather conditions, the inspection will be postponed by one week.

Bridge structures are inspected in a main examination every six years, according to the Autobahn GmbH. During this examination, the construction is checked for damages and these damages are compared to the most recent damages. It will also be determined if repair measures or traffic control measures are necessary. The results are expected in September.

  1. The traffic restriction on Autobahn 1 due to bridge maintenance in Schleswig-Holstein affects motorcycle riders traveling from Lübeck to Hamburg, requiring them to adjust their routes accordingly.
  2. The Federal Autobahn GmbH has announced that the infrastructure development in Bad Schwartau and Lübeck involves an automatic traffic restriction on the Autobahn, affecting not only cars but also motorcycles.
  3. Motorcycle riders planning trips from Hamburg to Lübeck should be aware of the traffic restriction on Autobahn 1 due to the inspection of the Norderelbbridge, which may impact their estimated travel time.
  4. Despite the traffic restriction on Autobahn 1 between Norderelbe and Hamburg-Moorfleet, riders can still enjoy scenic routes through Schleswig-Holstein, making their motorcycle journey an exciting experience despite the construction work.

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