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Traffic Mishap Involving Five Vehicles on A1, Leading to Extended Road Blockage

Various vehicles, such as a van attached to a trailer, a lorry, and three individual cars, experienced a collision on the A1. Thankfully, all passengers managed to avoid injury.

Law enforcement officers were dispatched to the A1.
Law enforcement officers were dispatched to the A1.

- Traffic Mishap Involving Five Vehicles on A1, Leading to Extended Road Blockage

Unfortunate incident on the A1 close to Mehren (Vulkaneifel district) led to four individuals suffering minor injuries. The incident, as per authorities, was triggered by a risky overtaking move: A van hauling a trailer attempted to zip past a lorry in a bend that morning. Unnoticed, this maneuver was by a speeding motorist who subsequently rammed into the van.

As a result, the trailer detached and traveled straight towards the lorry, coming to a halt on the left lane, according to police details. An incoming car filled with three gentlemen was forced to veer onto the right lane to avoid it, resulting in a collision with yet another vehicle. The driver of the latter car, along with the three gentlemen, reported minor injuries. Remarkably, all other parties involved in the commotion stayed unhurt.

The recovery from the wreckage was daunting, causing the highway to be momentarily halted for several hours, with the overall repairs estimated at 50,000 euros.

After providing the details of the collision, the police announced: "The following is added: The van involved in the incident had an additional passenger, who was unharmed but shaken up by the events."

Following the assessment of damages, the authorities stated: "The following is added: The repairs to the highway are expected to be completed within a week, and the total cost, including the trailer's damage, is estimated to be 50,000 euros."

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