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Traffic jams in front of the Elbe tunnel - ADAC expects "summer traffic jam wave"

The summer vacation has begun in North Rhine-Westphalia, and it's also bed change time in Denmark. The cars were already jammed in both directions in front of the Elbe Tunnel in the morning.

Traffic jams form in front of the Elbe tunnel. (archive picture)
Traffic jams form in front of the Elbe tunnel. (archive picture)

Travel - Traffic jams in front of the Elbe tunnel - ADAC expects "summer traffic jam wave"

With the start of summer holidays in North Rhine-Westphalia, traffic jams formed early in the morning before the Hamburg Elbtunnel. "Things are moving slowly," said a spokesperson for the traffic control center. On the A7 between Hamburg-Heimfeld and the Elbtunnel, there were four kilometers of traffic congestion heading north, and motorists should expect five kilometers of congestion heading south.

On the A1 between Bremen and Hamburg, traffic was congested for 15 kilometers in length, heading north, and on the A7 heading south between Thieshope and Egestorf, there were seven kilometers of congestion.

The ADAC expects the first "summer traffic wave" on the roads towards the North and Baltic Seas this weekend. The traffic on the highways will serve as a test for holidaymakers, said the spokesperson for the ADAC Hansa Club, Christian Hieff. Five other federal states, including Lower Saxony and Bremen, have been on holiday for two weeks.

"It will be stressful on the highways"

Returning Danish and coastal holidaymakers from Bremen and Lower Saxony encounter holidaymakers from North Rhine-Westphalia who are heading to the beaches. "It will be stressful on the highways," the ADAC stated in its traffic forecast. The peak travel times of the traffic wave are expected by the automobile club today in the morning and in the afternoon.

  1. Despite the summer vacation in Bremen having lasted for two weeks, the automotive industry anticipated another wave of traffic heading towards the North and Baltic Seas.
  2. The ADAC recommended avoiding the Elbe tunnel during peak travel times, as it had become a popular route for individuals heading to or from Hamburg.
  3. The A1 between Bremen and Hamburg was not the only affected route; motorists should also be cautious on the A7 heading south towards Lower Saxony, where a five-kilometer traffic jam was predicted.
  4. When planning their travel itineraries, holidaymakers from Schleswig-Holstein should consider alternative routes, such as utilizing the train or ferry services, to avoid the congested highways.
  5. The ADAC urged motorists to take breaks and drive at a safe speed, especially during the Elbe tunnel's busy summer vacation hours, to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.
  6. The spokesperson for the ADAC Hansa Club in Carsten, North Rhine-Westphalia, suggested that motorists consider leaving earlier or later in the day to avoid the peak travel times and the resulting traffic jams on the highways.

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