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Traffic has resumed on Highway 9 after a previous halt.

The partially closed Highway 9 in Upper Bavaria has now reopened to traffic, but with a restriction in place for southbound vehicles. Just 300 vehicles are allowed to drive southbound between Ingolstadt-Süd and Langenbruck before the lane is closed for a certain duration, according to a police...

A police car drives on the A9 highway.
A police car drives on the A9 highway.

Severe weather conditions loom as a storm approaches. Paraphrase: A storm is heading towards us, warning of impending harsh weather. Paraphrase: We are preparing for a potential severe storm in the coming days. Paraphrase: Stormy weather is expected soon, so it's time to batten down the hatches. - Traffic has resumed on Highway 9 after a previous halt.

The reason for this action couldn't be shared at first. But since early morning, the A9 road towards Nuremberg has been open again. They cautioned, "Keep in mind that things might change once more!" by the police in Upper Bavaria North.

Read also:

  1. Due to the approaching storm, the Weather Service issued a warning for severe conditions in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Bavaria.
  2. In Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, the authorities advised drivers to avoid using their Vehicles on the Freeway during the Storm, if possible.
  3. A dam break in Upper Bavaria caused a temporary halt in traffic on the A9 Freeway, leading to a diversion towards Munich.
  4. The police in Upper Bavaria North warned about the possibility of further Dam breaks and urged drivers to be cautious during the Storm, as Traffic on the Freeway could become hazardous.
  5. The severe weather conditions and the Storm posed a significant challenge to commuters in Germany, especially in Upper Bavaria.
  6. Despite the weather warning, German drivers continued their journey home, heedful of the Storm and the potential dangers on the Freeway.



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