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Trades union association: Choosing extreme-right politics undermines democracy

DGB representatives emphasize the political consequences of voting for far-right parties in East German mining area. "Supporting far-right organizations deteriorates democracy and endangers a prosperous future for the region," Daniela Kolbe, Saxony's DGB Vice President, stated. Residents of...

The Schwarze Pumpe lignite-fired power plant operated by Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG (LEAG) in the...
The Schwarze Pumpe lignite-fired power plant operated by Lausitz Energie Bergbau AG (LEAG) in the district of Spree-Neisse.

Job Opportunities - Trades union association: Choosing extreme-right politics undermines democracy

At the latest European and local elections, the AfD party scored significant victories, even exceeding 30% in certain parts of Lusatia. Across the entire region, the party led the way in every election area. In both Saxony and Brandenburg, the AfD came out on top. While some components of the AfD are seen as having right-wing extremist tendencies, the Brandenburg branch of the party has been labeled a "right-wing extremist suspicion case" by the Constitutional Protection Agency.

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