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Trade unions: lack of teachers responsible for poor Pisa results

The education trade unions have blamed the shortage of teachers in particular for the poor performance of German pupils in the Pisa study. "Now we can see what a shortage means," explained Gerhard Brand, Federal Chairman of the Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE) trade union on Tuesday....


Trade unions: lack of teachers responsible for poor Pisa results

"We don't need a second Pisa shock, we finally need a Pisa jolt," said Brand. He sees further reasons for the poor results in the inadequate digitalization of schools, the pandemic-related school closures and the great social inequality in Germany.

The trade union "Education and Science" (GEW) described it as a "scandal" that the dependence of children and young people's school performance on their parents has not decreased for over 20 years. "For decades,Germany has had both an achievement problem and a glaring equity problem," explained GEW board member Anja Bensinger-Stolze.

She also criticized a "blatant lack of staff". "Massive efforts" are needed to recruit many more teachers and specialists. "This issue belongs at the top of the agenda."

The deputy head of the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), Elke Hannack, spoke of "shocking results". The federal and state governments must "finally agree on effective steps for more teachers, more social work and more individual support for young people - immediately". The DGB is now calling on the federal government to set up a special infrastructure fund that can be used to invest heavily in daycare centers and schools, among other things."

The employers' side was also shocked by the Pisa results. The current findings document "the appalling results of education policy", emphasized employer president Rainer Dulger. "If those responsible do not take immediate action now, a loss of competence can no longer be made up for." Dulger called for "an almost revolutionary new start in our education system". Both the current educational standards and the training of teachers should be put to the test.

The employer president called for secure digitalization and individual support for pupils. "We owe that to our children." Dulger emphasized: "These minds are the building material of our future and the engine of our prosperity."

German pupils performed worse than ever before in the Pisa study on international comparisons of learning performance. According to the results published on Tuesday by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), performance in the areas of mathematics, science and reading literacy deteriorated significantly.

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