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Trade unions condemn attacks on emergency services

The Lower Saxony Police Union (GdP) and Verdi have condemned renewed attacks on police officers on New Year's Eve. In view of the tense flood situation, such an additional burden is unacceptable, the unions announced on Monday. According to the report, there were targeted attacks on emergency...

Fireworks explode in the sky above the Maschsee and the New Town Hall (shot with slow
Fireworks explode in the sky above the Maschsee and the New Town Hall (shot with slow shutter speed).

Hanover - Trade unions condemn attacks on emergency services

The Lower Saxony Police Union (GdP) and Verdi have condemned renewed attacks on police officers on New Year's Eve. In view of the tense flood situation, such an additional burden is unacceptable, the unions announced on Monday. According to the report, there were targeted attacks on emergency services in Hanover, Osnabrück, Göttingen and Bremerhaven, among other places. Pyrotechnics were also thrown at some of the emergency services.

"It is unacceptable that full-time and volunteer emergency services personnel are treated disrespectfully or even attacked," said Mario Kraatz, Chairman of the Verdi Federal Fire Brigade Executive Committee. "The first tangible representatives of the state had to take the rap again and we can only hope that this time it won't be just warm words," said GdP regional chairman Kevin Komolka. Swift and harsh sentences must follow.


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