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Trade unions call for warning strikes at universities

"Warning strike!" is written on a
"Warning strike!" is written on a

Trade unions call for warning strikes at universities

In the public sector wage dispute, the trade unions are also calling for a university strike day in Saxony-Anhalt. Verdi and the trade union for education and science have called an all-day warning strike for employees, trainees and students. The universities in Halle and Magdeburg, the Magdeburg-Stendal, Anhalt, Merseburg and Harz universities and the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design are taking part. In Halle, a central strike rally is planned for noon (12.00 noon) on the university square and a demonstration march to the Steintor.

The trade unions have been demanding 10.5 percent more pay, but at least 500 euros more per month for a period of twelve months, in the wage negotiations that have been ongoing since the end of October. Junior staff are to receive 200 euros more and trainees are to be taken on indefinitely. The unions also want to push through a collective agreement for student assistants. According to Verdi, more than 300,000 student employees nationwide are not covered by a collective agreement.

In addition to the demand for higher wages, the University Action Day will also focus on working conditions at universities, according to Verdi. "Staff shortages, overwork, unattractive pay and high staff turnover lead to dissatisfaction, especially in administration, technology and service. But they also lead to poor research and study conditions," it said.

The GEW explained that it also wanted to reiterate its demand for the necessary increase in Bafög rates and for future-proof funding for research and teaching.

The trade unions are also advocating for a nationwide strike at other universities, following the call for warning strikes. The demand for higher wages and improved working conditions, including more Bafög rates and funding for research, has led to tariffs being considered in this ongoing dispute.




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