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Trade union demands 400 euro wage increase in the hospitality industry

The hospitality industry is traditionally regarded as a low-wage sector. The NGG trade union wants to change this and is calling for a "wage turbo" in Lower Saxony. Negotiations with employers will begin on Friday.

According to the union, employees in the hospitality industry should be paid significantly better.
According to the union, employees in the hospitality industry should be paid significantly better.

Collective bargaining - Trade union demands 400 euro wage increase in the hospitality industry

Before the start of the wage round in the Lower Saxony hospitality industry, the Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten (NGG) union is demanding a clear wage increase for employees. "The stagnation of the hospitality industry in Lower Saxony in the low wage range must come to an end," said NGG negotiator Jeanine Weigel in a statement regarding the tariff talks beginning on Friday (5. July). "The hospitality industry in Lower Saxony needs a wage boost that will make the sector strong for the future," demanded the union representative. "An additional 400 Euro per month, but at least a 3,000 Euro entry wage after completing training, are fair."

The Hotel and Restaurant Association Dehoga, which represents employers in the negotiations, did not want to comment on the demands before the talks. "We see good room for us to reach a wage tariff contract conclusion with the NGG in Lower Saxonia that is acceptable to both parties," shared Rainer Balke, managing director of Dehoga Lower Saxonia, in response to an inquiry from the German Press Agency.

In several other federal states, NGG and Dehoga have already agreed on closures with significant wage increases, most recently in Saxony-Anhalt. According to the union, over 180,000 people work in the hotel and hospitality industry in Lower Saxony.

  1. The NGG union, in its preparations for the collective bargaining round in Lower Saxony's hospitality industry, has advocated for a substantial wage increase for its members, aiming to move beyond the industry's stagnation in the lower wage range.
  2. DEHOGA, the association representing employers in the hospitality sector negotiations in Lower Saxony, has yet to comment on the NGG's demands, but expresses optimism about reaching an acceptable wage tariff agreement during the talks.
  3. Both parties in Lower Saxony's upcoming collective bargaining round, NGG and DEHOGA, have reached agreement on wage increases and closures in other German federal states, such as Saxony-Anhalt.
  4. The hospitality industry in Lower Saxony, where over 180,000 people are employed, is according to the NGG union, in need of a significant wage boost that will bolster its growth and competitiveness in the future.
  5. In accordance with the calls made by the NGG union, Jeanine Weigel, a negotiator from the union, has put forth a demand for additional income of at least 400 Euro per month, and a minimum starting wage of 3,000 Euro after completing training, during the collective bargaining round.

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