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Trade organizations and labor groups advocate for a shift in transportation funding.

A widespread coalition consisting of business, environmental groups, and labor unions is advocating for a shift in Germany's transport policy. They argue for an end to socially and environmentally harmful subsidies in the transportation industry. This proposal, outlined in a joint five-point...

Traffic on the highway
Traffic on the highway

Trade organizations and labor groups advocate for a shift in transportation funding.

The ongoing mobility efforts by the federal government, with a particular focus on the Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport, are advancing fossil fuel transportation in Germany despite disregarding goals of social justice, climate, and nature conservation, claim environmental associations. These efforts represent billions of euros that could be better utilized towards a social-ecological transformation.

Specifically, the associations advocate for refurbishing existing highways rather than investing in costly new constructions. They argue for a substantial boost in rail network funding to make the Germany Takt a reality, enhance transportation's safety, punctuality, and comfort levels. There is also a need to expand public local transport, introduce the Germany Ticket, and invent additional offerings for children, youth, students, and seniors.

Meanwhile, the existing flat-rate tax on company cars with combustion engines should be increased from one to two percent of their list price. Hybrid vehicle subsidies are proposed to be discontinued. Instead, stronger support is needed for transitioning to electric vehicles, potentially through social leasing options in the lower price range.

"Our Five-Point Plan demonstrates how the federal government can achieve its climate objectives in transport, increase passenger numbers, and reach 15 million electric cars by 2030," shared Jonas Becker, a transport expert at Climate Alliance Germany.

The achievement of climate targets in transportation should not be jeopardized by unfair social and damaging climate-related subsidies, demanded Kerstin Hurek, head of transport policy at Auto Club Europa (ACE). Jens Hilgenberg from the Environmental Association BUND said it was "unacceptable" for "transport policies to continually prioritize measures favoring the mobility transformation."

Additionally, the appeal was endorsed by the Federal Association of Sustainable Economy (BNW), the German Association for Environmental Management (B.A.U.M.), the German Environmental Aid (DUH), the Rail and Transport Union (EVG), Greenpeace Germany, the Transport and Environment Association (T&E), and the Trade Union Verdi.

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