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Tractor hits child

An eight-year-old cyclist has to avoid a dustbin and falls onto a road. An accident occurs.

A blue light shines under the windshield of a police emergency vehicle.
A blue light shines under the windshield of a police emergency vehicle.

Riedstadt - Tractor hits child

A tractor ran over and injured a child in Riedstadt, South Hesse. According to the police, the eight-year-old boy was on his bike on a pavement on a Friday afternoon. He wanted to avoid a dumpster and fell onto the road, where he was hit by a tractor driven by a 45-year-old man. The boy sustained injuries to his foot and arm and was taken to a hospital. Several witnesses described the same accident sequence independently. When the police arrived at the scene, the boy's parents were present.

The incident brought traffic to a standstill in the nearby area of Riedstadt, South Hesse. To prevent such accidents in the future, the local council in Hesse considers installing more signed paths for children on the roads.

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