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Tracks, stations, signal boxes: Deutsche Bahn plans major construction projects

Deutsche Bahn is planning some major construction sites in 2024. The rail network and stations need to be brought up to scratch. Work continues on the stations in Duisburg and Dortmund. In Cologne, a new signal box should be ready by the end of the year.

Travelers walk across the platform at Duisburg Central Station.
Travelers walk across the platform at Duisburg Central Station.

Investments - Tracks, stations, signal boxes: Deutsche Bahn plans major construction projects

Deutsche Bahn is planning several major projects to modernize tracks and stations in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2024. The two largest station modernization projects are currently taking place in Duisburg and Dortmund, Deutsche Bahn announced in Düsseldorf.

In 2023, the company will have spent a total of 1.75 billion euros on modernizing the rail network and stations in North Rhine-Westphalia. "DB has modernized 300 kilometers of track, 425 switches and 19 bridges and implemented measures at 151 stops and stations," said a Deutsche Bahn spokeswoman.

In Dortmund, the renovation of the main station is taking shape. The major work should be completed here before the European Football Championship in Germany in June and July. In Duisburg, the modernization of the main station began in 2022. The first renovated platform was put into operation in summer 2023. Modernization of the next platform has begun. The station in Duisburg, which is in need of renovation, is due to be renovated by 2028.

Another major project concerns Cologne in 2024. The rail network of this city with over a million inhabitants is one of the busiest junctions in Germany. More than 500,000 commuters travel here every day. Two new electronic interlockings are to be built. Interlockings are the control centers for train traffic.

The "Linker Rhein" signal box is due to start operating at the end of 2024. Before then, the construction teams will lay 374 kilometers of cable and set 130 signals. Work on the second interlocking"Köln Hbf" will also continue in 2024, but construction is still ongoing.

In 2023, Deutsche Bahn modernized several hundred kilometers of track in NRW. Work was carried out on the rail network between Bochum and Essen, Düsseldorf and Wuppertal, Osnabrück and Rheine as well as in Pulheim, Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen.

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