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Toxic golden algae levels rise in Oder River.

Fish perishing and gold algae accumulating - what's ailing the Oder? Two years ago, numerous fish met their demise in this river. Now, authorities seek to address concerning signs. However, an all-clear is yet to be issued.

Two years after the fish kill in the Oder, Polish authorities have once again discovered toxic...
Two years after the fish kill in the Oder, Polish authorities have once again discovered toxic golden algae in the river.

Natural World - Toxic golden algae levels rise in Oder River.

The Oder River continues to be polluted with the harmful alga Prymnesium parvum. The Environment Ministry in Potsdam has confirmed this following discussions with the State Environment Office in an evening update. This toxic alga was responsible for the extensive fish deaths that occurred on the German-Polish border river during the summer of 2022.

On Saturday, although there was a slight improvement compared to the previous weekend, the readings for electrical conductivity and chlorophyll levels in the water remained very high. These values serve as indicators for salt content and pollution from algae. Also, the toxicity levels in Frankfurt (Oder) were reported to be high during the weekend, which suggests the presence of the golden alga's poison. On Tuesday, numerous dead fish were noticed at the Winterhafen in Frankfurt (Oder).

The Environment Department maintains that the hazard level 3 remains in place, which is the highest level in the warning system for the Oder, implemented after the environmental tragedy of 2022. This risk level assumes a bloom of Prymnesium parvum.

The current weather conditions have been fortuitous for the Oder so far, as high discharge levels in the river have averted circumstances similar to those in 2022, the ministry informed. High salt content, low water levels, high temperatures, and the poisonous effects of the golden alga were said to be the reasons behind the large-scale fish deaths in the Oder in 2022, according to the experts.

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